Back on February 8th, ISA announced its next dignitary and executive protection training program would be sponsored by Red Five Security. We then received some questions as to the veracity of that announcement with a few of our peers asking for confirmation. In an industry that can be “competitive” at times, we understand some may be confused as to why we would be so willing to work with Red Five and accept their sponsorship of our training program.
Our reasons are simple, respect. We respect the ownership and team of Red Five and know professionalism when we see it. We welcome opportunities to work with others in the security industry and don’t fear we may be helping a “competitor”. Now that philosophy may be short-sighted or lack a certain amount of “business sense”, but we see our ability to work with others as a strength and not a liability. It appears Red Five thinks along the same lines, read below.
“Red Five is pleased to be sponsoring the upcoming “Dignitary & Executive Protection Program” led by @Independent Security Advisors LLC. The course is scheduled for March 12-18, 2018, on the campus of George Mason University. It is hosted by the GMPD Executive Protection Unit, endorsed by the International Foundation of Protection Officers, approved for college credit by Henley Putnam University, and approved for continuing education hours by state regulatory agencies.
ISA will provide the training and course study needed for operating in the civilian security field, and assist students to qualify for the Virginia Personal Protection Specialist Credentials required for employment.”