Executive Protection Training: Day 1 of the ISA Program.
Executive Protection Training: Day 1
In 2022-2023 across the industry we saw an increased number of states add regulations on the private security, and specifically the executive protection industry. North Carolina added the executive protection license and Virginia updated some of their regulations and requirements for EP services just to name two states.
These regulations required mandatory executive protection training, mandatory insurance, licensing, and mandatory in-service or continuing education credits.
For local and state law enforcement assigned to close protection duties they were not immune to new regulations either. But the focus was more on the use of force, ethics and regulations on close protection operations.
So to address the training needs of the private sector and law enforcement Independent Security Advisors developed a fully accredited dignitary and executive protection training program approved for both civilian licensing and law enforcement in-service. It covers the mandatory training material and is scalable to each state regulatory requirement.
On day one of the seven day, 80 hour program students will cover;
PHIL 100 Ethics in Protective Services: It’s mandated training by the Virginia Dept. of Criminal Justice 32E Personal Protection Specialist Course and by most law enforcement regulatory agencies such as the Maryland Police Training Commission.
Description: This class will examine the broad concepts of ethics and ethical conduct, and what is considered to be “accepted standards” of morality and integrity by the protective agent. Students will review professional and ethical codes of conduct, and explore the difference between what is legal and what is considered ethical. Additionally law enforcement will look at department standards of conduct and possible ethical and regulatory conflicts.
Learning Outcomes: Students will understand the principles and concepts of ethics and ethical dilemmas that may be faced by the agent, and will complete an ethical problem-solving process exercise.
The learning objectives that students will demonstrate upon completion of this class are as follows:
Explain and demonstrate the ethical problem-solving process for an ethical dilemma;
Evaluate moral arguments based on varied moral perspectives, and ethical reasoning, and
develop an awareness of specific ethical issues and problems within the protective service
Executive Protection Training: Expectations
Students may assume firearms, driving and use of force are the big three topics of an EP program, and we understand there is nothing “cool” about ethics training, and when students realize everyone has their own ethical limits and beliefs it’s hard to see how this training can be standardized.
But that is the point, every agent is going to be different in what they will accept, allow or approve from another’s behavior or decisions.
Ethics is a part of inter-personal communication and how the detail works together and with the client. So this may not be “sexy” training but its eye opening and often leads to heated discussions. Drug use, prostitution, domestic violence and use of force may all be topics used in the ethics exercise and discussion.
If you think as an officer, trooper, deputy or private sector agent your ethical beliefs won’t be challenged by a client or protectees actions or behavior, well, welcome to the ‘real world”. Ethics also include legal considerations, agent behavior, and liability issues.
So if you are researching an executive protection training program be sure the “sexy” is limited and what you need or may be required for a state licence is covered in the syllabus. And if your new to the EP industry or close protection duties, ethics is a critical topic you may want to discuss with experienced agents, attorneys, supervisors and with yourself.
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