ASIS North Carolina Research Triangle Chapter and ISA Renew Executive Protection Training Tuition Agreement

In keeping with our policy of working with respected industry leaders and partners, we are proud to announce the ASIS North Carolina Research Triangle Chapter and the Independent Security Advisors Training Division has renewed its tuition agreement for ASIS members into 2019.  

 Chapter members will be able to attend all ISA training programs at the military and law enforcement rates until Dec 31, 2019. For example, the ISA fully accredited dignitary and executive protection training course normally $2250.00 will be $820.00, and that includes drone training with the North Carolina Drone Academy on the campus of Montgomery Community College in Troy NC, and all ASIS members will be eligible to apply for scholarships or to request customized programs.

 In return for the reduced tuition, the chapter will notify its members of upcoming classes and encourage other ASIS chapter members to share thoughts and feedback on what other training they would find useful. (That’s it.)

Please feel free to contact our CEO Mathew Parker ([email protected]) directly, if you have any questions.

Our next open seating program is August 9-15th, in Troy NC, and for those needing to certify or recertify in CPR, First Aid or AED classes will be available, as well as NRA approved weapons training.

See the ASIS announcement at 

Exciting Training Opportunity coming in August 2018!

Posted on July 26, 2018 by Kris Pouch

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